Princess Annabella Marie
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This page is dedicated to my daughter. I think the photos speak for themselves.
These are baby pictures through 3yrs old.

She was two and beautiful, I was going through a short (ugly) hair phase.
This picture is my mother's favorite. This one was in 2001.
This is one of my favorite pictures of her.
This one was taken around the first of 2002.
Another favorite.
She is the reason I wake up each day. How can you not love that smile?
Very old pic of us.
This was June 5th of 2000
I fall and go boom, daddy. Don't cry Bella, get up and try it again!
Very old pic. I hate the way my lips look so huge here....its because I am poking them out like I'm crying, too. (Hey, it always worked to get her to stop crying because she suddenly would be wondering what was wrong with ME!)
Annabella @ age one.
This is cute. Let's see....I think it was late 2000-early 2001.
Caught in the Act!
Good thing this is a pose, otherwise she would be "caught red-handed".

Hope you enjoyed them. You have now seen the light of my life. I will put more up soon.